Gender Types of Patients with Migraine and Tension-Type Headache

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Bahtigul Holmuratova
Dilshoda Akramova
Dilorom Adilbekova


Introduction: Primary headaches, especially migraine and tension-type headache (TTE), are of great interest to neurologists and general practitioners due to the high frequency of occurrence, not always clear clinical signs, and difficulties in diagnosis. We all know that headaches are common among women. Of course, this difference has been explained by many scientific studies with hormonal changes. However, the specific gender characteristics of the female and male organism are often not taken into account. In the scientific literature, the terms “sex” and “gender” are used to indicate the difference between men and women, and the two terms are often used interchangeably. According to the authorities given in the literature, each of these two terms is a separate concept.

The purpose of the scientific work: to determine the gender identity among patients suffering from migraine and tension-type headache.

Research materials and methods: A total of 82 patients (53 women, 29 men) aged 18 to 45 years were examined to study the importance of gender characteristics in the course of primary headaches. 33 of them had migraine (8 men, 25 women), and 49 had tension type-headache (12 men, 37 women). Each subject was divided into gender groups by calculating the Sandra Behm index (IS).

Results: Among our patients of Uzbek nationality, suffering from migraine and tension type-headaches, groups with dominant femininity and weak masculinity (fA, fE); masculinity aspects are dominant and femininity qualities are less expressed (mA, mE) groups were divided; Androgynous and undifferentiated type patients were not identified.

Conclusion: The results showed that female gender and femininity lead to more frequent migraine attacks and more pronounced clinical symptoms of tension headache.

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How to Cite
Bahtigul Holmuratova, Dilshoda Akramova, & Dilorom Adilbekova. (2023). Gender Types of Patients with Migraine and Tension-Type Headache. Journal of Coastal Life Medicine, 11(2), 32–36. Retrieved from


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