Awareness on Oral Health Considerations in Diabetic Patients

Main Article Content

Preety Rajesh, L.Leelavathi, Lalitha Rani Chellappa


Background and aim :

The current study is to show the bi-directional associations between oral health and diabetes. The universal biologic mechanisms, demographic and behavioral risk drivers underlying these associations in both directions must be considered.

The aim of the  study was carried out to investigate the awareness on oral hygiene in diabetic patients.

Methodology :

A carefully structured questionnaire containing a set of 11 questions was made in google forms. This was distributed among dental students of a private institution. The data was collected and tabulated in excel and exported to SPSS where statistical analysis was done. Results were represented as bar graphs.

Results : Within the limits of the study, it is observed that the students were aware about the oral hygiene and its importance in patients with diabetes. However further research can be done over a longer period of time with a large participation size to get better results.

Conclusion : Prevention is a cornerstone of public health. Within the limits of the study, it is observed that the students were aware about the oral hygiene and its importance in patients with diabetes. However further research can be done over a longer period of time with a large participation size to get better results.

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How to Cite
Preety Rajesh, L.Leelavathi, Lalitha Rani Chellappa. (2022). Awareness on Oral Health Considerations in Diabetic Patients. Journal of Coastal Life Medicine, 10, 418 –. Retrieved from