Nurses’ Perceptions Toward Medication Errors in Emergency Departments, Taif, Saudi Arabia
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Medication errors are common in the healthcare service in general and especially in emergency rooms at hospitals. The causes of these errors vary and it is important to explore them, because they can have serious consequences for patients and heath organization. The aim of this study is to explore nurses’ perceptions of medication errors in the emergency department of the Ministry of Health hospitals in Taif city, Saudi Arabia. A qualitative descriptive study implemented from July, 2022 to January, 2023. The study invited all nurses working in ER in the Ministry of Health hospitals in Taif city to participate. The total participants in this study were 15 nurses from the emergency departments at Ministry of Health hospitals in Taif, KSA. Four themes were identified: the causes of medication errors; the causes of not reporting of medication errors; factors that encourage nurses to register medication errors; the ways of reducing the incidence of medication errors, which include medication awareness, giving medication in the presence of a senior nurse and increasing the number of nurses. Overall, the current study found many of the factors that increase medication errors, such as work pressure and shortage of nursing staff. Other factors include nurses' fear of accountability and punishment, or of investigation committees. Therefore, this study recommends promoting a culture of reporting and learning from errors to maintain a positive work environment
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