Environmental Aspects of the Use of Biofertilizer
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Microorganisms present in organic fertilizers restore the natural nutrient cycle in the soil, increase soil productivity and make it more fertile by creating and maintaining soil organic matter. Biofertilizers do not increase the content of nitrates in products and soil, while maintaining high yields. Liquid organic fertilizer contains a large number of various microelements necessary for plants for growth and fertility, positively affects the soil and beneficial soil microorganisms, stimulating their development. Natural biofertilizers have one very useful property: they even out the acid-base balance of the soil and contribute to less depletion. Unlike mineral fertilizers, which are absorbed by only 35-50%, biofertilizers are absorbed almost completely. Population growth is forcing followers to seek ways to increase food production. One such way is to increase the productivity of crops by providing them with additional sources of nitrogen bound. Therefore, in the leading countries of the world large-scale mineral nitrogen production has been created (50 million. tons per year). Its application has increased world plant production by about one third. But it turned out that the global application of mineral nitrogen has many negative sides. One of the main ones is the accumulation of nitrites and nitrates in the environment, the decline in food quality and their negative impact on human health. Another method known for nitrogen input into soil is biological nitrogen fixation by various soil micro-organisms. The latter is the cheapest and most environmentally friendly source of nitrogen for agriculture. There are innumerable environmental problems, but biological pollution plays a significant role among them.
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