Comparative Evaluation of Shade Match by Using 3D Master and Vitapan Classical Shade Guides Among the Adult Jeddah Population
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Shade matching is one of the important step in cosmetic dentistry which has to be performed by the clinician. Vitapan classical and 3D master shade guides are commonly used for color matching. For this reason, this study was aimed at comparison of two shade guides and analyzed frequency of agreement between three operators. Objective of the study was to evaluate the shade of maxillary right central incisor by comparing two shade guides by three observers. This clinical, analytical study was conducted in IbnSina National College for Medical studies, Jeddah. Total 70 participants were chosen randomly. For each participants, shade matching was carried out by 3 interns using two shade guides. SPSS version 21 was used to perform the statistical analysis. Chi-square was applied for qualitative variables to find the association. The level of significance was set at 0.05. Among the participants, the estimation of cross tabulation of frequency of agreement between Vitapan classical and 3D master shade guide. Vita classical showed better agreement with shade selection with 100% agreement was 46(65.71%) and 67% agreement was 24 (34.28%). Meanwhile, 100% agreement with 3D master was 38 (54.28% and 67% agreement was 32 (45.71%). Measurement of agreement was 0.0623 which was statistically significant. P value was set at 0.623.
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