A Questionnaire Study to Determine the Knowledge of Peri-Implantitis and Peri-Mucositis Among Dental Practitioners in Ahmedbad City, Gujrat, India
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There is currently little knowledge regarding the precise occurrence and recommended course of treatment for peri-implant disorders. The purpose of this study was to learn more about how dental practitioners in the city of Ahmedabad evaluate the prevalence, causation, and treatment of peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis.
A total of 250 dental practitioners were approached with a questionnaire for collecting data related to demographic details, experience, and knowledge about implant placement and management of its complications. Of these, only 174 were included as part of the statistical analysis. This data was collected based on historical data using the empirical method.
A survey with 20 questions was created. A link to the survey was included in an email sent to dental practitioners currently working in Ahmedabad city.
All data were analysed by using Chi-square and Descriptive statistical analysis.
174 dental practitioners (41.38% of whom were men, 58.64% of women who had worked in the field of dentistry) responded to the poll. The majority (53.5% BDS & 46.5% MDS).
According to this survey, peri-implant diseases are a common issue in dental clinics. The lack of a consistent therapeutic protocol leads to a substantial number of therapeutic modalities being used empirically, with a somewhat effective treatment outcome
Article Details
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