Awareness and Knowledge of Medical Waste Management Among Dental and Medical Students
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Background: Due to the current Covid19 pandemic the Biomedical waste generation has increased, following the rise in medical and health care. In this study, we have gathered the basic information and knowledge of waste management of medical and dental students. This article puts a spotlight on whether the students have enough knowledge about the type of waste and their segregation or not. We have focused on the knowledge and assessing awareness of young doctors who are in the learning process.
Methods: The data was collected by conducting cross-sectional questionnaire-based study among dental and medical students of India. The study participants included third and final year dental undergraduate & final year medical undergraduate.
Results: From the results, it was concluded that Medical students (89.63%) are better-introduced to the concept of Biomedical Waste during graduation, compared to dental students (81.29%) and hence, are more aware.
Conclusion: From this research, it was concluded that those students who were introduced to the concept of the subject were more aware of the rules and regulations of the same and hence had better application. The information provided from our research will help authorities to arrange more discussion and practical implication regarding the concept of bio medical waste management.
Article Details
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