A Study to Determine the Proportion of Factor Associated with Infertility Among Eligible Couples Visiting the Infertility Clinics of Vadodara
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Background of the study: God gave all humans the precious gift of reproduction. God made this earth so that all of his living creatures may populate, replenish, and advance it. Every human is given a life at birth. He gains a new day every day, not just to live but also to raise his children and double his happiness. Reproduction is the process through which two individuals of the same species come together to create a new generation. 1) To determine the causes of infertility among couples who attend the infertility clinics in Vadodara. 2) To determine whether there is a correlation between certain demographic factors and infertility among couples that frequent infertility clinics. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional research design and a quantitative evaluation research approach were employed in this study. 75 infertile patients from the Anantshree, Sukun, and Vaniya hospitals in Vadodara, Gujarat, were the source of the data. Before beginning the study, the investigator requested written permission from the relevant authority.Cross-sectional research design and a quantitative assessment research approach were employed in this study. The 75 samples of infertile couples were gathered using a non-probability convince sampling technique, and the data were collected by administering a self-structured check list with four factors: female infertility, male infertility, lifestyle, and psychological. Age, Gender, Religion, Residential Area, Couples Attending Infertility Clinics, Year of Marriage, and other demographic factors were considered. women's educational status, Work status of women and their financial situation. The standard deviation and chi square test, as well as other descriptive and influential statistics, were used to analyse the data. Results: In this study, 72 (96%) of the samples had mild cases of infertility, and 3 (4%) of the samples had moderate cases. 0 samples were severely infertile. At the 0.05 level of significance, the proportion of demographic variables among infertile couples was non-significant in chi square. Conclusion: The goal of the current study was to identify the percentage of infertility-related factors among eligible couples visiting the infertility clinics in Vadodara
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