Assess the Episiotomy Wound Healing Among Postnatal Mother Between Usage of Savlon Solution and Lukewarm Water in Perineal Care
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The objective of the current study was to evaluate postpartum mothers' episiotomy wound healing under perineal care with savlon solution. Episiotomies were performed in about 33% of vaginally giving birthing women. This study used a factorial research design and a quantitative research approach. Pretests were conducted on both groups using the generalised reed scale. Selected postnatal moms in both groups had 15 days of lukewarm water and Sevlon solution perineal treatment, followed by a post-test for both groups. was utilised to evaluate the degree of the healing process, and spss-20 software was used to analyse the data using descriptive and inferential statistics. At p values of 0.05, savlon solution and lukewarm water are both independently effective for the healing process of wounds. The study's findings also demonstrate that there is no discernible difference between the two solutions, with a t value of 8.904 for the savlon solution and 6.282 for the lukewarm water and a p value of 0.463 for the independent t test. The chosen demographical variable did not show a meaningful correlation. For the current study, 40 mothers were chosen as participants. The independent t test was used to examine how well postpartum women' episiotomy wounds healed when savlon solution and lukewarm water were used for perineal care. The primary distinction between the two solutions was discovered.There is no difference between using savlon solution and lukewarm water for perineal treatment when there are only 16 participants, as indicated by the p value of 0.463.
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