Unloading the Heavy Loads: Eustressors and Distressors of Instructor-Athletes
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This descriptive-phenomenological study aimed to explore and understand the lived experiences of eustressors and distressors, as well as the coping mechanisms of instructor-athletes participating in different sports competitions. Specifically, it answered the question on how instructor-athletes respond to the eustressors and distressors when participating in sports competitions. There were 12 instructor-athletes for this inquiry from the state universities and colleges in region 1. The data were gathered using an interview guide and conducted through social media platforms that were accessible and conducive to the participants, as well as via phone calls and chat messages since restrictions for gathering and closed contact with people were still in place per IATF Protocols. Thematic analysis using Colaizzi’s method was utilized to interpret the results of the study. It was found that these eustressors as well as distressors were categorized into two groups: the intrinsic factors and the extrinsic factors, which affected the performance, behavior, and attitude of the instructor-athletes before, during, and after the sports competition. Moreover, there were coping mechanisms used by these instructor-athletes to respond to the different distressors that they met along the way. Based on the results, Acosta’s Athletic Conditioning Model was developed to reflect their symbiotic relationship and that each element is relevant and important to the overall function of an instructor-athlete.
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