Mothers of Children Under the Age of Five Years in Relation to the Prevention of Protein-Energy Malnutrition: Develop A Motherhood Information Guide.
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Background: Child malnutrition is one of the main health issues in developing nations. Nutritional health is crucial to children's wellbeing. Therefore, malnutrition status in children under five years of age is an important outcome indicator of child health. The study sought to evaluate and identify the factors and relationships among specific demographic characteristics and knowledge and actions for the prevention of Protein Energy Malnutrition. Methods: By using a suitable non-probability sampling method, 384 subjects were selected. Data were gathered using a self-structured knowledge questionnaire and an articulated practice checklist. Findings:According to the survey, 64.8%, 33.6%, and 1.6% of the participants had moderate knowledge, good knowledge, and weak knowledge, respectively. According to the individuals' responses, respectively 68.5% and 31.5% of them do and do not practice. The study found that the majority of the subjects had sufficient information and indicated that they were putting those knowledge into practice by using measures to prevent protein and energy deficiency. Conclusion: Despite numerous interventions and the ongoing National Nutrition Health Programmes for children under the age of five years, protein energy malnutrition is still a serious problem in developing nations.
Article Details
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