Assessment of Stress and Related Biochemical Alterations in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Obesity Patients
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The metabolic illness known as type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is still linked to physiological impairment and affects a sizable percentage of the world's population. There are a number of risk factors for developing type 2 diabetes, but obesity and altered basal metabolic rate are among the most prominent. About 80% of those with T2DM are also found to be obese; those with obesity have a higher risk of acquiring depression, and the disease is thought to double that risk. The vast majority of studies show that T2DM affects neuronal physiology via changing cortisol and adiponectin levels in the blood. This research looked at the correlation between metabolic disorders including type 2 diabetes and the stress and depression risk factors cortisol and adiponectin.
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