A Study to Determine the Effects of Physical, Psychological, and Socio-Emotional Factors on People with Knee Osteoarthritis Who Work in Various Occupations
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The most prevalent kind of arthritis is osteoarthritis (OA), which damages the joints. One of the leading causes of disability, OA affects approximately 100 million individuals throughout the globe. The most frequent kind of OA affects the knee. According to the World Health Organization's assessment on the global burden of illness, knee OA is the leading cause of disability among both sexes. Physical and mental health issues, as well as alterations in the joint's biomechanics, have all been linked to this disorder. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to identify the primary risk factor for developing knee OA. This report examines the impact of knee osteoarthritis on the physical, mental, and social lives of persons in the workforce.
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