The Influences of Motivational Factors on Anatomy Students- An Original Research
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Background: Success in anatomy coursework is essential for future success in the medical field because it is a cornerstone subject in medical education. Student achievement in anatomy classes can be affected by a number of critical factors, including motivation. The mtoivation of this study was to look into how motivational factors affected the academic success of anatomy students.
Methods: A survey measuring students' degrees of autonomy, competence, relatedness, and academic success was completed by 120 anatomy students in total. To ascertain the links between the motivating elements and academic success, correlation and regression analysis were used on the data.
Results: Students studying anatomy concluded that autonomy, competence, and relatedness were major indicators of academic success. Students who felt in charge of their education, believed in their own abilities, and connected to others tended to do better in school.
Conclusion: The results of this study imply that in order to support academic achievement among anatomy students, educators and institutions should give special attention to developing a learning environment that promotes autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Teachers may support students in becoming more motivated and engaged in their learning, which will ultimately lead to better academic results, by giving them opportunities to take ownership of their education, recognising their accomplishments, and developing strong relationships with peers and teachers.
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