Prevalence of Tuberculosis and its association with Diabetes Mellitus in a Rural Community in Federal Capital Territory Abuja, Nigeria
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Tuberculosis (TB) and Diabetes Mellitus (DM) are communicable and non-communicable diseases of public health importance globally with the highest burden occurring in low-income countries like Nigeria.Diabetes Mellitus is one of the risk factors to Tuberculosis and co-infection with TB/DM increases the mortality and morbidity rate of both infections. Therefore, the aim of this study was focused on the prevalence of Tuberculosis and its association with diabetes Mellitus in Jahi 1 village, a rural Community in Federal Capital Territory Abuja.This study was conducted in two hundred male and female participants between the ages of 10-70 years among the residents of Jahi 1 randomly selected. Participants were screened for active TB and DM using the following methods; for TB, symptoms screening (those who have been coughing for more than two weeks), serological method using one step TB cassette Rapid Test Device (RTD)(Skytec, USA) and GeneXpert; for DM the glucose oxidase method (Randox, UK). Participants blood pressure check (BP) was estimated using Omron automated Bp apparatus. The Direct Cynamethemoglobin method was used for participants Haemoglobin estimation. Data were analyzed statistically using Graphpad prism version 7.Among the 200 participants screened, the active TB prevalence was 2.0% (4/200)usingRTD method and 3% (6/200) with GeneXpert method. The mean glucose level for participants with symptoms was ± 19.5mmol, the mean glucose level for participants without symptoms was± 4.9mmol/l. Of the 6 prevalent TB cases, 33% (n = 2; 95% CI; 20-30 years) had no TB symptoms, and 67% (n = 4; 95% CI 40–70) wereco–infected with DM. Out of the 4(67%) positive with TB-DM, 1(25%) had anemia and hypertension.The prevalence of active TB in that rural community is 2-fold lower than the nation’s prevalence of TB but DM patients were the most affected. GeneXpert yielded more sensitive result than the serological method, therefore, its practice should be highly encouraged by the government as it is very expensive. Hypertension and anemia could be risk factors to TB, subject to further investigation. Routine community-based TB screening of both rural and urban communities at least at 6 months interval will help achieve the End TB Strategy milestone of 20% reduction.
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