Effect of Reminiscence Therapy on Self Esteem: A Systematic Review
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Reminiscence therapy, sometimes referred to as psychological interventions in dementia patients, helps persons with dementia recall past experiences to enhance their cognitive, emotional, and general well-being. Reminiscence treatment helped dementia patients with their quality of life, cognitive function, and depressed and neuropsychiatric symptoms. A good non-pharmacological method for older adults to boost self-esteem may be remembered therapy.We systematically searched Systematic review of eight electronic academic databases from January 2012 to August 2022 was performed. The PRISMA standards were followed for conducting a systematic literature review. Six databases were systematically explored for this investigation. The requirements for inclusion included being an elderly patient, using applied reminiscence therapy, participating in randomized trials or quasi-experimental investigations, and having the research published in English. The eligibility requirements were met by a total of six studies with 2070 participants. Results showed that group recollection therapy greatly raised self-esteem in the aggregate. In nursing homes, reminiscence groups could promote elders' social interactions with one another and develop into members' support networks. A valuable non-pharmacological intervention for elderly adults residing in care facilities or other long-term care facilities is reminiscence therapy. For next research, a standardised recollection treatment procedure may be required.
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