“Comparative Study of Serum Testosterone/Estradiol Ratio in Normal, Overweight and Obese Male Subjects in Tertiary Care Centre”
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In this study we evaluated the serum testosterone/estradiol ratio in normal, overweight and obese male subjects in tertiary care centre.
This was a hospital based cross sectional study conducted among 186 male patients who presented to the General Medicine OPD of JSS Hospital, Mysuru over a period of 18 months. The study was conducted after obtaining clearance from Institutional Ethics Committee and written informed consent from the study participants.
The mean testosterone levels (215.2 ± 157.0 ng/dl) were found to be significantly low in obese males. Mean estradiol levels (39.7 ± 24.2pg/ml) were found to be high in obese males. Mean T/E2 ratio (64.4 ± 54.7) was found to be significantly low in obese males. No significant difference was observed in mean testosterone levels and estradiol levels with association between the age groups, however T/E2 ratio was found to be significantly low in the age group of 51 - 60 years.
Testosterone and T/E2 ratio showed a negative correlation with respect to BMI and waist circumference of more than 90cms (central obesity) without co-morbidities and thus low levels of testosterone can contribute to central obesity. Estradiol showed a positive correlation with respect to BMI and waist circumference of more than 90cms (central obesity) without co-morbidities. No significant difference was observed in mean testosterone levels and estradiol levels with association between the age groups, however T/E2 ratio was found to be significantly low in the age group of 51 - 60 years.
Article Details
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