A Clinico-Observational Study of Proximal Contacts in Primary Molars Among Bengali Children
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Background: A well-contoured, properly positioned, firm proximal contact between teeth maintains the stability and integrity of the dental arches and the health of supporting structures. Earlier literature portrayed the presence of interproximal contacts in primary molars as open/closed, O, X, I, S contacts in different populations, but there is no study of interproximal contacts among Bengali children. Aim: To find the prevalence of different interproximal contact areas of primary molars in Bengali children. Methodology: 124 contacts of 34 Bengali children of 3 to 6 years of age who reported Out Patient Department of Paediatric Dentistry of the institute as well from randomly different schools were the study population. The clinical examination of the contact areas in primary molars followed by study model assessment was done and the data of pattern of proximal contact areas in primary molars was recorded and was subjected to statistical analysis. Results: The prevalence of type of contact is O (6.4%), X (3.2%), I (78.2%) and S (12%). No statistical significant difference was found in inter-arch and intra-arch comparison. Conclusion: The knowledge of morphology of proximal contacts may help the clinician in caries risk assessment, as well it helps to re-establish the contact characteristics through restorative procedures.
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