A Review on Quality of Life and Related Comprehensive Management of Cancer Patients.
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Cancer is one of very fatal condition that affects individuals all around the world. Cancer leads to various stressors and complications that affect cancer patient’s life quality along with deteriorate lifestyle of them. There is a significant role of health care services in improving the life’s quality among patients suffering from cancer. Thus, the objective regarding the review assesses the quality of life among the patients suffering from cancer and to find out the usefulness of comprehensive administrative to improve the life quality among the patients suffering from cancer. 24 research articles have included in this review as total. It is found that cancer deteriorates the quality of cancer patients and comprehensive management is very useful in enhancing the life’s quality among the patients suffer from cancer. Early access to comprehensive management is not only enhancing the “quality of life” throughout various treatment but also beneficial for future as well. The comprehensive management can be helpful to reduce the amount of medication the cancer patient requires, which can bring down the chances of chemotherapy and radiation side effects and it also have the additional benefit of decreasing employment related absence and disabilities. Thus, various steps need to be taken by the government and health care agencies to provide adequate health facilities and care to cancer patients, so that their life’s quality can be modified.
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