A Minimally Invasive Perio – Ortho Treatment Plan: Piezocision for acceleration of orthodontic tooth movement.
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Comprehensive techniques and prolonged duration of treatment were found to be the reason for reluctance in acceptance of orthodontic treatment among young adult patients. Recently introduced, a novel, minimally invasive technique called piezocision, which uses microincisions and tunneling to enable piezoelectric incisions and hard- or soft-tissue grafting, has been researched. This innovative method offers rapid orthodontic treatment, less discomfort, and positive patient acceptance along with improved periodontium following therapy. This report details the outcomes of a young female patient with persistent residual space between mandibular second premolars and first molars that failed to respond to conventional fixed orthodontic treatment and later, the affected side was managed by a minimally invasive piezocision procedure. The patient was followed for 8 weeks thereafter, and the spacing between the lower second premolar and molar was considerably closed. In order to facilitate the treatment of cases with residual results and also with short treatment time, piezocision can be used as an adjunct to the orthodontic treatment in young adults.
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