Effect of Neck Stabilisation Vs Mckenzie Exercise for Mechanical Neck Pain – A Randomized Controlled Trial of Coastal Patients
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BACKGROUND: Neck discomfort is a prevalent issue that may impact people in coastal areas as well as people in other areas. Neck pain can be caused by a variety of factors, which include poor posture, muscle fatigue, and injuries Mechanical neck pain is characterized as widespread neck discomfort brought on by prolonged neck postures, neck movements, and pain felt when the cervical musculature is palpated in the absence of pathologies. 30% to 50% of the general population suffers from mechanical neck pain. Activity limitation brought on by neck pain affects 20% to 30% of the working population and young adults.
OBJECTIVE: The study aimed to find the effect of Neck stabilisation vs McKenzie exercise for mechanical Neck Pain among young adults.
METHODOLOGY: It is quasi experimental study 30 participants were diagnosed as Mechanical neck pain from orthopaedic department of MGMCRI. They were randomly assigned to groups that is neck stabilisation group and McKenzie exercise group. Neck stabilisation group received exercise and conventional therapy and McKenzie group received exercise and conventional therapy. Exercises were given for 6 weeks. Pain and functional activity score were assessed before and after the intervention by Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) and Neck Disability Index (NDI).
RESULT: The data were analysed and interpreted using the SPSS version. There was a significant reduction in VAS and NDI score in both groups and a significant difference was found between Neck stabilisation group and McKenzie exercise group (p 0.05). CONCLUSION: From the above study, we conclude that both exercises were effective in treating patients with Mechanical Neck Pain among young adults but McKenzie exercise shows more significant level. As part of their overall physical education routine, young adults with special needs can benefit from neck exercises. These exercises can help improve neck strength and flexibility, which can improve posture, relieve neck pain, and boost overall physical fitness.
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