Aerobic Exercise Vs Resisted Exercise on Blood Glucose and Health Related Quality of Life Among Coastal Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus- A Randomized Trial
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More than 95% of diabetics have type 2 diabetes mellitus, which is brought on by the body's improper usage of insulin. Type 2 diabetes has been linked to sedentary habits, smoking, binge drinking, and excessive alcohol use, among other lifestyle factorsThis disorder can significantly lower a person's quality of life, with health-related aspects of life (HRQOL) representing the main concern.
The aim of the study was to evaluate how aerobic and resistance exercise affected the patients with type 2 diabetics regarding blood glucose levels and health-related quality of life. Based on predetermined selection criteria, 30 volunteers between the ages of 30 and 50 were involved. They were then randomly split into two groups: the Aerobic exercise group (n=15) and the Resisted exercise group. (n=15). Both groups continued to take their medications throughout the 6-week intervention period, which consisted of 40-minute daily sessions for three days per week. Blood glucose levels and HRQOL (as measured by the EQ-5D-5L) were assessed before and after the intervention.
The results showed that both groups' quality of life and levels of glucose in their blood substantially improved. (p 0.05). However, it was discovered that participants in the resistive exercise group improved their HRQOL and blood glucose levels more than those in the aerobic exercise group when comparing the mean difference between the two groups.
In conclusion, it was discovered that resistive exercise, as opposed to an aerobic exercise program, had a greater positive effect on blood glucose levels, HRQOL, and disability in people with type 2 diabetes. These results imply that resistance training may be a valuable supplement to conventional diabetes care techniques, especially in terms of enhancing HRQOL and lowering disability in this population.
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