Effect of Muscle Energy Technique on Quadratus Lumborum for Coastal Patients with Chronic Non-Specific Low Back Pain - A Randomized Controlled Study
Main Article Content
Background: Patients living on the coast may develop chronic back pain as a result of prolonged sitting or standing, repetitive motions, and heavy lifting, emphasizing the importance of proper posture and regular exercise. The most common musculoskeletal problem in both developed and developing countries is low back pain. It is the main factor in activity restrictions and productivity loss which results in large annual medical expenses. Muscle energy technique can be utilized to mobilize a limited articulation, lengthen and strength muscles, improve fluid dynamics and reduce local. Aims: To determine the quadratus lumborum's response to the Muscle Energy Technique for persistent, non-specific low back pain. To evaluate and contrast results like pain and functional mobility.
Methodology: It is an experimental study 30 patients diagnosed as chronic non specific low back pain from orthopaedic department of Mahatma Gandhi Medical college and Research Institute, were recruited as a participants for this study. After the selection process the selected participants were randomly allocated in to Muscle energy technique group and control group by odd or even method. The group of muscle energy technique received muscle energy technique along with strengthening exercise and Interferential therapy for 6 weeks (30 minutes per session,4 sessions in a week). The control group was receiving strengthening exercises and Interferential therapy for 6 weeks (20 minutes per session,4 sessions in a week).
Results: With the obtained data, post test score of both groups are significantly effective in improving the functional ability and also pain was reduced in patients with chronic nonspecific low back pain.
Conclusion: Learning the special way to decrease disability is needed. The study concluded that the muscle energy technique group is more effective in reducing pain and improves functional disability when compared to control group in our coastal patients
Article Details
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Tawrej, Poonam; Kaur, Ravinder; Ghodey, Snehal. Immediate Effect of Muscle Energy Technique on Quadratus Lumborum Muscle in Patients with Non-Specific Low Back Pain. Indian Journal of Physiotherapy & Occupational Therapy-An International Journal, [S.l.], p. 180-184, mar. 2020. ISSN 0973-5674.