Effects of Friction Massage Versus Capsular Stretching in Adhesive Capsulitis – A Randomized Active Controlled Study Among Coastal Patients
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Frozen shoulder, or otherwise called adhesive capsulitis, is a painful disorder that progressively restricts movement of the shoulder. This study's main goal was about comparing the effectiveness of friction massage and capsular stretching in treating adhesive capsulitis. Twenty patients with the disease were enrolled in the trial, and they were randomized either Group A or B. Group A underwent IFT and friction massage for six weeks, while Group B experienced six weeks of capsular stretching, which consisted of five sets each session. Data from the pre- and post-test were gathered, and independent sample T-tests were used to assess them. The results revealed a highly significant difference at the P< 0.0001 level of significance. These findings led to the conclusion that Group A, which received a friction massage, was more efficacious alleviating pain and increasing the shoulder joint's range of motion.
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