Effect of Pilates Exercise and Core Stabilization as an Exercise on Non-Specific Sub Acute Low Back Pain- Target the Disabled Living in the Coast – A Randomized Trial
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Background: Many people experience low back discomfort during their lives. —between 60% and 80% of people—making it the most common reason for healthcare visits. Exercise is crucial for the treatment of back pain. The goal of this exercise with Pilates is to improve physical strength, posture, and awareness through a set of exercises that must be performed with specialist tools and require specialised training. In the coastal city of Pondicherry, the study's goal is to find out how Pilates exercise with or without core stability exercise will decrease non-specific subacute low back pain.
Methods: In the Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Pondicherry, a quasi-experimental study was carried out. Through convenient sampling, 30 people between the ages of 19 and 35 years were chosen. There were two groups made up of the subjects. Pilates exercises were given to Group A, and core stabilisation work out were given to Group B. The Oswestry questionnaire approved for low back disability and visual analogue scoring on a scale were used as the end measures.
Results: The data demonstrated that pilates exercise was much more beneficial than core stabilisation exercise in lowering pain and functional handicap. The difference which we saw between the two groups was significant (p 0.05).
Conclusion: This study demonstrates that, when managing non-specific (NS) subacute low back pain, exercise as core stability performed less than pilates exercise regarding pain reduction and functional disablement.
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