Comparison of Safety and Effectiveness of Two Common Drugs for Acute Heart Failure an Observational Study
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Introduction: The critical condition known as "acute heart failure (AHF)” needs to be managed as quickly as possible with the most appropriate medication. Furosemide and nitroglycerin are both typical medications that are utilised in the treatment of AHF. In the treatment of AHF the purpose of this observational study is to evaluate how safe and effective these two medications are.
Methods: The data from patients who were hospitalised to current hospital with a diagnosis of AHF and treated with either furosemide or nitroglycerin were examined via the lens of retrospective research. The incidence of adverse events, such as low blood pressure, irregular heartbeats, and renal failure, served as the key measure of success. Alterations in vital signs, the length of time spent in the hospital, and mortality were included as secondary outcomes.
Results: The results showed that a total of 200 patients took part in the trial, 100 of whom were divided among the three groups. When compared to the group that received furosemide (15%), the rate of adverse events was significantly higher in the nitroglycerin group (25%) (p = 0.05). Additionally, the nitroglycerin group had a significantly higher incidence of hypotension (p = 0.01) and arrhythmia (p = 0.04). However, when it came to renal dysfunction, changes in vital signs, length of hospital stay, or mortality rate, there were no statistically significant differences between the two groups.
Conclusion: In the treatment of AHF the results of this study imply that furosemide may be a more secure option to nitroglycerin. However, additional research is required to substantiate these findings and establish the appropriate dosage and treatment duration for furosemide in AHF patients
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