Type 2 Diabetes and Oral Health Complications A Hospital-Based Observational Research
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Introduction: Despite the high prevalence and clinical importance of oral health issues in diabetics, screening and management are often neglected in normal diabetes care. Despite the impact these issues have on oral health. Thus, this study seeks to determine the prevalence of oral health issues in type 2 diabetics and their relationship to glycemic management.
Methods: 200 individuals with type 2 diabetes were enrolled in this observational study, which was done in a hospital setting. The HbA1c test was used to evaluate the patients' glycemic management after oral examinations. Statistical tests were used to examine the data.
Results: Oral health issues were prevalent in 79.5% of cases, with periodontitis accounting for 64.5% of these cases. When compared to patients with good glycemic control, patients with poor glycemic control had a higher prevalence of oral health complications (p <0.05). In patients with longer-term diabetes than those with shorter-term diabetes, oral health complications were more common (p <0.05).
Conclusion: Oral health issues, particularly periodontitis, are very common in people with type 2 diabetes. Oral health issues are more common when glycemic management is poor and when diabetes has been present for a longer period of time. The overall management of type 2 diabetes depends on the early identification and treatment of oral health issues.
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