Sleep Disorders' Prevalence and Causes in a Rural Community in Northern India an Original Study
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Introduction: People all around the world suffer from sleep disturbances, which are a prevalent issue. In a rural population in Northern India, the purpose of this study is to ascertain the incidence and causes of sleep problems.
Materials and Procedures: This cross-sectional study involved 500 people in a rural village in Northern India, ranging in age from 18 to 60. Through the use of a multistage random sampling process, the participants were chosen. A standardized questionnaire that asked about sleep duration, quality, disturbances, and causes of sleep problems was used to gather the data. SPSS version 25 was used to analyze the data.
Results: Sleep disturbances were found to be 32.6% common. Insomnia was the most prevalent sleep condition (27.2%), and sleep apnea (3.6%) and restless legs syndrome (1.8%) were the next most prevalent. Stress was the main culprit in 36.4% of sleep disturbances, followed by illnesses (28.9%) and environmental variables (20.7%).
Conclusion: This rural group in Northern India has a greater frequency of sleep disorders than has been observed in other research done in India's cities. Inadequate healthcare facilities, poverty, a lack of social support, and other factors may all contribute to the higher frequency of sleep problems in this group. The findings of this research highlight the necessity for public health initiatives to raise awareness of sleep disorders and their causes as well as to offer suitable healthcare facilities for the treatment of sleep disorders in rural areas. In order to manage sleep problems in rural communities, it is necessary to offer suitable healthcare facilities and raise knowledge of sleep disorders and their causes.
Article Details
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