Unlocking Personalities: The Link Between Fingerprints and Eysenck's Personality Traits – An Original Research
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Background: Fingerprint analysis has been used for decades in forensic investigations, but recent studies have suggested that fingerprints may also contain information about an individual's personality traits. This study aimed to investigate the correlation between fingerprint characteristics and Eysenck's personality traits to determine if fingerprints can be used to identify an individual's personality.
Methods: A total of 940 participants were recruited for this study, and their fingerprints were collected using a digital scanner. Eysenck's Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) was also administered to each participant to assess their personality traits. The fingerprints were analyzed using a software program to extract 13 ridge flow and ridge quality characteristics.
Results: Significant correlations were found between fingerprint characteristics and Eysenck's personality traits. Specifically, extraversion was positively correlated with the number of ridge endings and negatively correlated with ridge discontinuity. Neuroticism was negatively correlated with ridge density and positively correlated with ridge discontinuity. Psychoticism was positively correlated with ridge density and negatively correlated with the number of ridge endings.
Conclusion: These findings suggest that there is a significant correlation between fingerprint characteristics and Eysenck's personality traits. While fingerprint analysis alone cannot be used to determine an individual's personality with certainty, it can potentially provide additional information to supplement personality assessments. Further research is needed to confirm these findings and explore the potential applications of fingerprint analysis in personality assessment.
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