A Study on Stress Distribution of Different Preformed Crowns in Deciduous Mandibular Second Molar Using Finite Element Analysis
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Background: This study compared the stress distribution of different preformed crowns in deciduous mandibular second molar by using finite element analysis.
Materials & Methods: The study included 3D scan of sound deciduous mandibular second molar and its supporting tissues, which were converted from CBCT DICOM to STL by using MIMICS for generating 3D geometric model. A pulpectomy treated tooth obturated with zinc oxide eugenol and restored with GIC type II cement was modelled. Crown preparation was modelled to reduce all the enamel and 70% of the dentin. Then, the tooth preparation model was restored with the different crowns luted using GIC type I cement; (Group 1: Pulpectomy treated restored tooth without crown, Group 2: Stainless steel crown, Group 3: Kids-e-Bioflx crown, Group 4: NuSmile zirconia crown, Group 5: Kids-e-zirconia crown). Hypermesh was used to generate the finite element meshed models, which were imported to ANSYS software and subjected to 245 N bite force at 00, 450, 900 load. Results were obtained in the form of von Mises stress distributions.
Results: Preformed aesthetic crowns shown less stresses along the underlying structures compared to preformed stainless steel crown. The stress patterns were within the safe range for crown models compared to model without crown.
Conclusion: Pulpectomy treated tooth when restored with appropriate crown can increase the life of tooth. FEA analysis can be used as guide to motivate parents about the importance of crown in children.
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