HRCT Assessment of Bronchiectasis Patients Coming to Rural Tertiary Care Center
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Introduction: Bronchiectasis is one of the common chronic respiratory diseases and associated with respiratory morbidity and mortality. It is a chronic airway disease characterized by permanent abnormal dilatation of bronchi and destruction of bronchial walls. High resolution CT scan of the lung (HRCT) is proven to be highly sensitive noninvasive technique for delineating the bronchiectatic segments. Aim: To study HRCT pattern in patients of bronchiectasis. Materials and Methods: In this study 150 bronchiectasis patients coming to Dhiraj Hospital, Pipariya, Vadodara within a span of 18 months were included. All patients had undergone detailed history, clinical examination, chest X-ray and HRCT thorax & spirometry. Results: In our study, we had included total 150 patients. We had elicited that there was male predominance & among them 59% were never-smoker. Most common identified causes of bronchiectasis were tuberculosis (62%), recurrent pneumonia (13%) followed by ABPA in only 9%. Based on HRCT pattern, 62.67% had cystic, 18.67% had tubular, 12% had varicose while 6.66% found to be having multiple types. Conclusions: One of the major underlying pathological processes that has been identified in our region is tuberculosis. Cystic type on HRCT is found to be common in bronchiectasis patients in our region.
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