The Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on Biological Students Practical and Efficient Ways of Overcoming These Challenges in Any Future Emergencies using Veritas University as a Case Study.
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Aim: This study aimed at investigating how COVID-19 pandemic has affected the learning of biological students practical using Veritas University Abuja as a case study and better ways of maintaining this challenge in any future emergence of viruses.
Methods:This study was carried out in the department of biological sciences, Veritas University Abuja, Bwari Area council of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, Nigeria. Veritas University is made up of five faculties, of which the Faculty of Natural and Applied Science house biological science department. The population of this study consists of all male and female biology students. The target population is 1136 students that offered biology practical during the lock down period. Instruments for the study is questionnaire to be answered by the sampled population, Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown on Learning of Biological Students Practical.
The instrument impact of Covid-19 lockdown on students learning biology practical (ICOLSLBP), and administered to 100 students, in the department of biological science of Veritas University Abuja with the help of 3 research assistance, after which it was collected by the researcher and analyzed by the expert.
Results: From the results obtained from this research which was significant at (p<0.05) implied that COVID-19 lockdown had an impact on practical biology lessons. However, the impact was negative. t-test analysis of difference between the effectiveness of conducting online practical lesson and onsite practical lesson. It was significant at (p<0.05). It implied that onsite practical lesson was more effective than online practical lesson.
Conclusion: it is observed that Biology practical is not possible online as physical investigations cannot be done virtually without physical contact. However, to maintain this experimental area of study which is vital to scientific discovery, the recommendation of this research work must be taken into consideration in order to stop the further spread of COVID-19, encourage Biology practical and put an end to lockdown even in the case of future emergence of other virus, because when laboratory investigations are encouraged, solutions to problems and sickness will be found.
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