The Cervical Sympathetic Chain in Fetuses at Different Gestational Age.
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Introduction: The cervical part of sympathetic chain (CSC) is a part of the peripheral autonomic nervous system. It continues below with the thoracic part of sympathetic chain. It has three ganglia-superior, middle and Inferior.
Material &method: The material for the present study included 50 spontaneously aborted fetuses. The cervical part of sympathetic chain was exposed bilaterally and location, length, number and position of ganglia was noted.
Observations: The specimens were divided into four groups (A=11-15weeks,B=15+_20weeks,C=20+_25weeks,Group D=25 weeks onwards). Morphology:The number of cervical ganglia varied from 1-3; Three ganglia was noticed in 54% cases, two ganglia in 42 % cases. In only 4% cases only one ganglia was seen.The presence of cervico-thoracic ganglion was noted in 66% fetal specimens. The length was measured and compared with other authors.
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