Localization of Impacted Upper Canines Using Lateral Cephalometric Radiograph
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Objective of the study: to verify the validity of lateral cephalogram in localization of the impacted upper canines and to compare our results with the results of other radiographic methods namely: parallax and magnification.
Method: lateral cephalometric radiography is used to localize the impacted upper canines based on the fact that lateral cephalogram is a superimposition of the two sides of the head. Along the sagittal plane, structures which lie anteriorly are truely anterior and structures which lie posteriorly are truely posterior.Therefore position of the impacted canine can be precisely detected in relation to the neigboring teeth.
Materials: The sample of the study was collected in two ways. First, retrospective analysis of the records of 515 cases, 344 females (66.8%) and 171 males (33.2%), with age range from 10 to 48 years (mean of 29 years). Second, clinical application in form of questionnaire. 23 questionnaire forms answered by oral surgeons in Albaha region, whose radiographic diagnosis of the impacted canine was based on lateral cephalogram, were retrieved.
Results: even though there is wide variation between examiners in the retrospective sample, in which kappa ranges from –0.265 to 0.776 with sensitivity of mean value of 66.1%, the prospective group showed significantly high sensitivity (93.3%) of detecting canine position. The overall mean value was 79.6%. Further analysis showed sensitivity of palatal impaction detection of 69.6% and labial detection of 51.9% in the retrospective group. The prospective group showed sensitivity of palatal impaction detection of 90% and labial detection of 100%.
Conclusion: this study showed that the use of lateral cephalometric radiographs is of good value in localizing upper impacted canines.
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