“Maternal Weight Gain for Prediction of Risk of Low Birth Weight Babies (LBW)”
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Background- The health of the baby depends on the mother gaining weight throughout pregnancy. A Low Birth Weight infant may be born if mom is not in good health. Multiple studies have indicated that an alarmingly high number of infants are born to underweight moms. This emphasises the need of achieving a healthy weight increase throughout pregnancy.
Objectives- The goal is to determine whether there is a connection between the newborn's weight and socioeconomic status by measuring maternal weight growth and correlating it with the baby's birth weight.
Methods- Prospective Cohort study was carried out in Antenatal Clinic of Krishna Hospital, Karad, on 214 antenatal women. Maternal weight gain was independent variable and birth weight was dependent variable. Every consecutive healthy pregnant woman (low risk pregnancy) who has completed 12 weeks of pregnancy (first trimester) was included in the study. Pregnant women with high risk Pregnancy and who wants to change her place of delivery was excluded. Data analysis was done by using descriptive and inferential statistics.
Results- Of them, 143 (66.6%) gained from seven and fourteen pounds, 19 (8.88%) acquired more than 14 pounds, and 52 (24.30%) gained less than 7 pounds. 128 (59.81%) mothers had normal-weight infants, while 87(40.19%) women had cheap-birth-weight babies, with a mean weight increase of 10.843.126 and a mean increase in weight of 7.212.84 respectively. Incidence of LBW is 40.19 percent.
Conclusion- The rate of Low Born Weight was found to be 40.19 percent. The correlation between birth weight and total weight growth was statistically significant (p0.001). Maternal weight growth throughout pregnancy seems to be the most important factor in predicting the baby's birth size in the prenatal period.
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