“A Study to Assess the Accuracy of Nail Shade Device for Detecting and Grading Anaemia among the Pregnant Women”
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Background- Approximately a third of the world's population has anaemia, making it the most prevalent blood condition. About a billion individuals have anaemia due to a lack of iron. There is mounting evidence that maternal anaemia increases the risk of both maternal or foetal mortality and morbidity.
Methodology- Quantitative research approach and comparative descriptive design was used on 290 pregnant women, at Krishna hospital, Karad. Pregnant women undergone haemoglobin estimation was included in the study by using convenient sampling technique. Data was collected by using interview technique. The nail blade of pregnant women was observed at first visit before hemoglobin estimation and grading was done as below 15, below 11, below 7 and compared with the findings of hemoglobin done by analyzer, the schedule was continued till completion of 165 anaemic pregnant women. Analysis was done by using descriptive and inferential statistics.
Results- According to nail shade device, Majority of pregnant women 210 (72.41%) were having Hb level below 11 gm/dl, 77 (26.55%) were having Hb level below15 gm/dl, 3 (1.03%) were having Hb below 7 gm/dl. According to analyzer (lab reports) majority of pregnant women 208 (71.72) were having Hb level between 7 to 11 gm/dl, 79 (27.24%) were having Hb between 11 to 15 gm/dl and 3 (1.03%) were having Hb below 7 gm/dl. Spearman correlation coefficient i.e. r value was 1.000 whose one tailed p value was 0.1667 considered as significant. Non-parametric spearman correlation coefficient values and one tailed p value, found significant difference between mean ± SD Hb level of nail shade device and analyzer (p ˂ 0.0001)
Conclusion- The study concluded that the nail shade has the potential to be the appropriate tool for the detection and grading of anaemia (mild, moderate, severe) and it would help the community people to develop an understanding and in preventing anaemia.
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