Pulmonary Function in COVID-19 Patients After Discharge
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Background : The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the whole world. It is now an established fact that the disease affects respiratory system of the victim. In the present study we decided to evaluate pulmonary function of discharged COVID-19 patients (n=335).
Objectives: 1. To carry out Pulmonary function test (Computerised spirometry) in study group and control group. 2. Compare the results between two groups
Methods: Patient’s symptoms & associated co-morbidities were noted during history taking. According to the HRCT scores patients were divided into three groups- mild, moderate & severe. Computerized spirometry was carried out in all these patients and controls(n=300). Pulmonary function test(PFT) parameters from both the groups were analysed.
Results: All the PFT parameter values were very significantly low in subject group compared to those of control group (p <0.000l), except FEF.2-1.2, which was reduced in subject group but not to statistically significant level (p>0.05). Out of total 335 patients 57 had restrictive lung disease, 34 obstructive and 65 had mixed disorder whereas 179 had normal FVC & FEV1. Out of 355 patients, 193(57.62 %) had reduction in PEFR and 142 patients (42.38 %) were having normal PEFR.
Conclusion: It was observed that, reduction occurs in lung function for few months after COVID-19 infection to some extent. It is necessary to follow these patients for a longer period of time, to find out the persistence of derangement in lung function after COVID-19 infection.
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