Clinico-Spirometric Profile of Bronchiectasis Patients Presenting to Tertiary Care Centre, Dhiraj Hospital, Vadodara, Gujarat
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Bronchiectasis is a chronic, unrestrained dilatation of the subsegmental airways[1]. The bronchiectasis patient group is highly varied, with a range of diseases with various aetiologies and varying clinical, radiological, and microbiological features[2]. It is unknown how often bronchiectasis is. The condition is extremely understudied, especially in our region of the world[3]. High resolution CT (HRCT) scanning has evolved into the gold standard for bronchiectasis diagnosis[4]. To evaluate the functional impact of bronchiectasis-related deterioration, pulmonary function tests are employed. On a pulmonary function test, obstructive impairment (i.e., decreased FEV1, low FVC, and low FEV1/FVC ratio) is most often observed[5].For the same reason, we discover various and unique clinical profiles in BRONCHIECTASIS patients.
AIM: To build a clinico-spirometric profile of diagnosed BRONCHIECTASIS patients presenting to a tertiary health care centre in Vadodara.
METHODS: This observational cross sectional study was conducted at Respiratory Medicine department for total duration of 18 months.This study included 75 patients with bronchiectasis. Each patient had undergone a thorough evaluation of their history followed by clinical examination and spirometry.
RESULTS: There were 75 patients in total. 59% of the population, who were men and were 48.84+/-15.470 years of mean age, had never smoked. The most common symptom was cough with expectoration(82%) followed by dyspnea(60%) followed by chestpain(32%). The most frequent recognised cause of bronchiectasis was Post-TB. The respective mean values for FEV1, FVC, and FEV1/FVC were 51.58, 63.07, and 71.78. The pulmonary function test results for the 75 patients showed 12% with normal results, 21.33% with restrictive, 22.67% with mixed, and 44% with obstructive patterns. As compared to other patterns on spirometry, mixed type pulmonary function impairment was more commonly seen.
CONCLUSION:One of the main underlying disease processes that have been found in our area leading to bronchiectasis is Tuberculosis. Most patients presented with cough with expectoration followed by dyspnea. Patients with bronchiectasis in our region are observed to frequently have mixed pulmonary function abnormalities.
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