Designing A Customized Device for Eccentric Exercise Training of Wrist Extensor Muscles in Individuals with Tennis Elbow
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Tennis elbow is a common soft tissue injury most commonly seen in sports or work related activities. Eccentric exercise is a type of strengthening exercise that has been used quite frequently in reducing pain and to improve function in the involved muscles. This particular study focuses on designing a device that is based on principle of eccentric exercises and its role in increasing strength in the muscles by adding resistance. This study is to determine the efficiency of the device in terms of eccentric training.
A random sampling method was used to allocate the patients. A sample size of 50 individuals diagnosed with tennis elbow were included in the study. A protocol for eccentric exercise was set in which the patient was asked to perform the exercise with the help of a device 3 times in a day for 4 days in a week and the entire protocol was for 4 weeks.
Result: The study has proven to be very significant with a P value of <0.0001. Interpretation of all the outcome measures have shown P value of 0.001 with the help of paired t test. Later the results were tabularized by and put into the form of graphical format.
Conclusion: This device based on principle of eccentric exercises is significantly effective in the case of tennis elbow as it specifically focuses on eccentric contraction.
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