Comparative Evaluation of Protaper Universal, D-Race, R-Endo and Neoendo Ni-Ti Rotary Retreatment file Systems in the Removal of Guttapercha And Root Canal Sealer with or Without the Use of Solvent During Endodontic Retreatment: An In-Vitro Stereomicrosco
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Background: The purpose of this research is to compare the efficacy of several rotary retreatment file systems for cleaning out infected root canals. Methods and materials: Using Protaper rotary retreatment files, 120 removed mandibular premolar teeth were split into two groups: Group A (no solvent) and Group B (solvent). Group C (no solvent) and Group D (solvent) D-Race rotary retreatment files. Group E (non-solvent) and Group F (solvent) R-Endo rotary retreatment files. Group G (no solvent) and Group H (solvent) are two categories of neoendo rotary retreatment files. The roots were cut in half lengthwise, examined using a stereomicroscope, photographed, and analyzed in AutoCAD. Statistical tests performed included the one-way Anova, the Tukey post hoc, and the t-tests for independence. Root trenches were divided into thirds, with the coronal third separating groups A and C, the apical third separating groups A and C, the middle third separating groups B and H, and the distal third separating groups F and H. Results showed that, regardless of solubility, more root stream filling material was abandoned in the coronal, focal, and apical thirds of the root channel according to R-Endo retreatment records than according to D-Race retreatment data.
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