Youth Empowerment Towards Sustainable Development with Reference to Delhi
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Objectives: Youth, usually described as younger human beings with the age group of 15 and 24, are a key population. Their empowerment as participants of our societies is crucial for the societal ecosocial transition from a human-focused to an ecosocial focus. Objective of this research is to find out the educational training offered by NGO (Non-Government Organisation) and assess the socio-economic scale of youth. Research Method: 50 samples are collected from the youth who acquired training from NGO and their performance examined through socio-economic scale. Simple random sampling is applied to select the respondents. The study is based on descriptive research. Self-constructed questionnaire if framed and issued to collect the demographic and socio-economic status of youth in Delhi. Findings: Maximum of the respondents opined that personality development of youth enriched through the educational training provided by NGO. Youth empowerment and training leads to improve the socio economic scale of respondents. Novelty: In relation to sustainability, ecosocial transition is a holistic attitude with ecological, economic, and social dimensions of improvement focusing at the inter linkage among social and ecological sustainability. Youth empowerment brings the sustainable development in all field of the country which facilitate the ability of future generations to satisfy their own needs.
Article Details
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