Comparison of Parents' Positions on the Impact of Technical and Social Perspectives on Moral Behavior of Adolescents
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The Moral Behaviour of Adolescents is a matter of concern for the society. The significance of Moral Behaviour lies in it being internalized in the very innate nature. Adolescence being the foundational age for most habits to get formed in life, the development of Moral Behaviour at this age is important. In order to accomplish this task more effectively, the goal of this study is to evaluate parents' perceptions. (who are the most dominant example for each discrete teen) regarding the impact of a few common Social and Technical perspectives on the Moral Behaviour of Adolescents. Sample consisted of 200 randomly selected parents of 9th and 10th class students of CBSE affiliated schools of Delhi. Two questionnaires were designed to collect data which were analysed using descriptive statistics. Important comparisons between effectiveness of Social and Technical factors and stances of male and female parents have been laid using t- test. The results reflect a beneficial effect of Social perspectives and a non-beneficial effect of Technical differences on Moral Behaviour. A substantial difference was found between the mean scores for ‘Effect of Social Perspectives’ and ‘Effect of Technical Perspectives’ while no substantial difference was found in responses of male and female parents. Further, a few research ideas are suggested for researchers who are interested in exploring the topic further.
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