A Study to Assess the Knowledge and Practices Regarding Prevention and Management of Diarrhea Among Mothers of Infant in Selected Urban and Rural Areas of District Faridkot, Punjab
Main Article Content
AIM: To assess knowledge and practices regarding diarrhea among mothers of infants.
A quantitative research approach and a comparative descriptive research design were used. The sample size was 100 mothers of infants, selected using the purposive sampling technique. The Data were collected using a structured interview schedule with the help of a self -structured knowledge questionnaire and a practice checklist. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data.
The study revealed that mothers of infants in urban and rural areas 96% and 80% had adequate knowledge and in urban and rural areas 4% and 20% had inadequate knowledge respectively. Furthermore in urban and rural areas 86% and 72%had highly satisfactory practices and in urban and rural areas 28% and 14%had unsatisfactory practices respectively. The mean±SD for the level of knowledge and practices of mothers of infant were 18.88 ± 3.147, 15.32 ± 2.875 and 18.06 ± 2.004, 16.86 ± 1.852 for urban and rural areas mothers of infant respectively. So mean and SD was slightly high for both knowledge and practices among urban area mothers of infant as compared to mothers of infant in rural areas.
The results concluded that the level of knowledge and practices of mothers of infant in urban areas were higher than those of mothers of infant in rural areas.
Article Details
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