A Comparative Study of Fracture Resistance of Various Intraradicular Devices at Different Angles of Load Application
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Aims: Intraradicular posts are recommended to aid in the retention of artificial crowns and support the teeth by distributing intraoral forces along the roots. The purpose of this in vitro study was to compare fracture resistance of different types of endodontic posts viz threaded metal post, fiber post and the positive locking post and variance in regard to length, diameter and load application at different angles to simulate different positions of tooth in normal, prognathic and retrognathic conditions.
Materials and method: For the purpose of this study fifteen extracted human maxillary central incisors per parameter were selected randomly. All the teeth were sectioned transversely at cemento-enamel junction and the roots were endodontically treated. The following intraradicular retentive devices were selected and used in the specimen:
I.Stainless steel threaded posts of Mani EG make with diameters of:
- 1.25mm with length of 9.5mm, 12mm and 14.5mm.
- 1.45mm with 9.5mm, 12mm and 14.5mm.
- 1.65mm with 9.5mm, 12mm and14.5mm.
- Easy fiber posts of Dentsply make with diameter of:
- 1.83mm with length of 9.5mm, 12mm and 14.5 mm.
- 2.04mm with length of 9.5mm, 12mm and 14.5mm.
- 2.22mm with length of 9.5mm, 12mm and 14.5mm
III. Meisinger’s Wurzburger stift (Positive locking post) made of titanium with diameter of 4.5mm and maximum insertion depth of 2.75mm.
All of the preformed intraradicular posts were cemented with glass ionomer luting cement. Specimens were submitted to a compressive load in a universal testing machine, Instron to determine the fracture resistance. The failure load was recorded and analyzed between three subgroups. The results obtained were tabulated and subjected to statistical analysis for result.
Results: The results of the present study indicate that with increase in diameter of threaded posts, fracture resistance increased for all lengths. The highest fracture resistance was attained by highest diameter of 1.65mm and length of 14.5mm for all angles. Fiber posts exhibited decreasing fracture resistance as the diameters increased across all lengths. The results also indicate that with increase in length of threaded posts, fracture resistance increased across all diameters. The highest fracture resistance was obtained for length of 14.5mm. Fiber posts exhibited increasing fracture resistance with increase in length across all diameters. The results showed as the length increased, fracture resistance increased in threaded and fiber posts which signify that length is important for fracture resistance. But positive locking post with dimensions of length 2.75mm and diameter 4.5mm had higher fracture resistance irrespective of length and diameter of threaded post and fiber posts. This study confirmed that the angulation of loading is a factor apart from different lengths and diameters affecting the absolute failure loads measured in static tests. Statistically, the pooled average fracture resistance showed that increased from 450 through 1350 for all the post types used.
Conclusion: The threaded post which is made of stainless steel is more ductile and as diameter and length of the threaded post increased, the material gave the strength leading to higher fracture resistance. Fiber post which has modulus of elasticity similar to dentin depended upon the remaining dentin for fracture resistance and hence as the diameter increased fracture resistance decreased and as length increased fracture resistance increased. Positive locking post which is made of titanium is short in length and wider in diameter. It distributes stresses over a large area at the post tooth interface and hence provided highest fracture resistance.
The average pooled highest fracture resistances recorded at 900 and 700 angles showed that fiber post can be considered for use in retroganthic and prognathic situations while threaded post which recorded higher fracture resistance at 1350 can be used in class I situations. For normal, retrognathic and prognathic situations the choice of intraradicular device was positive locking post as it had the highest fracture resistance at all angles. All the posts performed better in normal followed by retrognathic and prognathic loads.
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