Dimensions of the Cases and Barriers of Employment of Rural Bodo Women in India in the Context of Socio-Economic Underdevelopment.
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The rural Bodo woman in India is poorly employed due to some cultural barriers and other notable causes. It is essential to know reasons behind barriers attached in it, nonetheless bodo woman were never be reached in the way of employment. Improving the employment of bodo woman and understanding and removing the cultural barriers to woman in employment can increase socio economic development of bodo woman as well as society at large. Knowledge and attitude of woman should be increased and authenticate properly. Conservative outlook, neglegiance of family, lack of attention to woman activities and work, societies attitudes to woman responsibility, discrimination attitude of communities, internalization of attitude in woman were the cultural barriers of the woman employment in bodo communities in India. The finding of the research is that innumerable causes and barriers of employment of woman are the main cause of socio- economic underdevelopment in bodo Communities. This research paper try to highlighted the dimensions of causes and barriers of woman employment as well as try to find out how these barriers and cause lead socio-economic underdevelopment.
Article Details
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