Efficacy of Bharangyadi Kalka in Sutika Makkalla (Puerperal After Pains) – A clinical trial
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Sutika Makkalla is a postpartum ailment that affects women rather regularly. It is connected to blood accumulation in the uterus for a variety of causes. The drugs Bharangyadi Kalka and Shuddha Hingu are having properties like garbhashaya shodhaka, sula prasamana, rakta shodhaka, vatakapha hara, vedana sthapana, anulomanan, deepana, pacana, stanya shodhaka and shotha hara. The same are the desired effects of the study. The dry powders of Bharangi, Nagara, Devadaru was collected from local markets whereas Hingu was collected from Shri Vijay Mahantesh Ayurvedic Medical College. 30 patient of Makkalla was selected for study from among the IPD and OPD of Shri Vijay Mahantesh Ayurvedic Medical College. Selected patient were segregated into 2 group, 15 patients in each group. Group A patients were given Bharangyadi Kallka 6 grams BD for 5 days on empty stomach and 15 patients were administered shudha Hingu with ghee 125 mg for 5 days BD in Group B. The given drugs in both groups showed good result in the pain parameter with Shuddha Hingu showing better results as compared to Bharangyadi Kalka. There were no significant results in the other parameter included in the study but also no undue complications were seen in the study period. Both the drug groups showed good improvement in increasing the bala of the sutika thus favored other parameters as may be physiological and can be advised in sutika for the said parameter.
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