Study of Electrocardiographic Changes in Acute Ischemic Stroke
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Worldwide, cerebrovascular disease are a major cause of mortality and morbidity. The cerebral arteries atherosclerotic disease is the main cause. Haemorrhage, hypoperfusion, and embolism are further reasons. Common accompanying conditions include ECG abnormalities that mimic myocardial ischemia. Aim –To study the pattern of ECG changes in patients with Acute ischemic stroke Materials and methods – A descriptive cross-sectional research. There are a total of 60 patients, over 18 years satisfying the criteria for stroke, were involved in the study. Imaging CT/MRI confirmed the diagnosis of stroke. A 12-lead electrocardiogram was recorded on admission. ECG was evaluated for parameters like Rate, Rhythm, T wave abnormalities, QTc abnormalities, and ST segment abnormalities. The research was conducted from January 2021 to January 2022.. The results were pooled, and statistical analyses were performed. Results- ECG characteristics such as rate, rhythm, T wave abnormalities, QTc abnormalities, and ST segment abnormalities were all analysed. The mean age was 60 years. QTc prolongation was the most frequent ECG alteration found in 30.6% of patients. Additional ECG alterations were T wave inversion (20.4%), ST depression (17%), Bradycardia (13.6%), and Tachycardia (8.5%); 8.5% had normal ECGs. Conclusion – In the evaluation of patients of acute ischemic stroke, the study supports the use of ECG. Even in individuals with no history of coronary artery disease, electrocardiographic alterations are frequently seen in acute ischemic stroke cases, it is crucial to recognise this, since failing to do so might result in incorrectly classifying these patients as having coronary heart disease (CAD). The management of patients in terms of revascularization and surgical treatments can be helped by interpreting these ECG alterations.
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