The Menopausal Crisis: Dealing With Periodontitis And Osteoporosis. A Comparative Evaluation Of Periodontal Status Among Pre- And Post-Menopausal Women A Cross-Sectional Study
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Background: Menopause in an inevitable stage in the reproductive life of a women that has various systemic effects related to inflammatory, immunological and hormonal changes. Osteoporosis particularly has high prevalence in females and significant in post-menopausal women. These systemic conditions can add up to the multifactorial etiologies of periodontits. Aims and objectives: the study aims at comparative evaluation of periodontal status among pre- and post-menopausal women with the objective to assess periodontal status, alveolar bone loss estimation by radiological parameters, serum Estradiol levels and to determine the corelation between these parameters. Result: CAL was significant in postmenopausal women whereas other periodontal parameters showed insignificant difference in both the groups, prevalence of PMI and MI were higher in premenopausal group and C1 in MCI had greater prevalence in premenopausal women, serum Estradiol II levels showed a significant decline in post-menopausal women. Conclusion: Postmenopausal women are at a high risk of periodontitis which can be corelated with decreasing estradiol levels and radiographical parameters.
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