Effectiveness of Pre-Cooling Before Administration of Palatal Anesthesia- A Randomized Control Trial
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Objective: “To reduce discomfort during injections, researchers compared the efficacy of pre-cooling the injection site to that of using a topical anesthetic as a pre-injection anesthetic in a trial. Materials and Methods: “Twenty patients took part in a prospective randomized split-mouth crossover research in which they were given either an ice bar (test group) or 5% lignocaine gel (control group) to apply topically for 2 minutes before injection. The composite pain score was used to gauge the degree to which the patients were in pain and how satisfied they were with the treatment they received. To examine the statistical significance between groups, we used an independent t-test. Results: “Intergroup comparison of VAS score showed that VAS score was significantly lesser in ice bud group as compared to control group. Mean VAS score in ice bud and control group was 0.70 ± 0.68 & 3.50 ± 0.85 respectively. Conclusion: When put next to the application of a local anesthetic, 2 minutes of ice treatment with an ice bar dramatically reduced pain perception. Additionally, young people favored ice applications.
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