Liver Fuction Test and Multi Drugs Resistant (MDR) Tuberculosis: A Review
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The bacterial infection recognized as “tuberculosis (TB)”, which is produced by the complex of “Mycobacterium tuberculosis”, is one of the oldest common diseases and a leading cause of death globally. There is a plan to totally wipe out tuberculosis in India within a decade whilst also 2025. There need to be greater awareness and publicity regarding tuberculosis. This review paper addresses the subjects of history, taxonomy, epidemiology, incidence, treatment tolerance, and liver function. Liver impairment and further therapy have been discussed briefly. In India, the “National Tuberculosis Elimination Project (NTEP)” focuses primarily on “Directly Observed Treatment, Short Course (DOTS)” for preventing the spread of tuberculosis. A case of drug-sensitive or drug-resistant tuberculosis, treatments with certain medications can be hepatotoxic or cause “drug-induced liver injury (DILI)”.
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